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01603 649724
Association of School and College Leaders - Purchase Cover
Association of School and College Leaders
Name & Address Details
Contact Details
Please note:

This scheme does not provide cover for any Associated or Subsidiary companies.

Policy Details
Please note:

Cover is not available for sports clubs.

The following sports are not eligible for cover: activities at speeds exceeding 10 mph, activities in or on water, activities taking place more than 5 meters above the ground, aerial activities, archery, assault or obstacle courses, bungee jumping, bobsleigh runs, caving, cycling, horse riding or other equestrian activities, ice skating or ice hockey, kite surfing, land yatching, mountaineering or rock climbing, paint balling, paragliding, parascending, parasailing, potholing, shooting, skiing, tug of war, windsurfing.

Previous Insurance Details

Have you had Teachers' Insurance previously for an uninterrupted period to date?